Title: Exit Light, Enter Night Fandom(s): The Hunger Games Rating: G Word Count: 203 Summary: Finnick hasn’t owned a bed since he was sixteen. Author’s Notes: Response to this prompt.
Title: Death Seemed My Servant Fandom(s): The Hunger Games Rating: PG Word Count: 7,741 Summary: In which Finnick survives and owes it to someone who has no business being alive at all. Author’s Notes: Inspired by this prompt.
Title: shall i stay, would it be a sin Fandom(s): Psych Rating: PG Word Count: 3,858 Summary: Things go a bit differently after Shawn and Juliet’s fallout. Author’s Notes: Response to this prompt.
Title: The Passion of Great Souls Fandom(s): Leverage Rating: G Word Count: 344 Summary: All curses have to end sometime. Don’t they? Author’s Notes: Response to this prompt.
Title: That He Will Reap Fandom(s): Leverage Rating: G Word Count: 1,788 Summary: Eliot’s killed his fair share of people. It’s high time they remind him of it. Author’s Notes: Response to this prompt.
Title: Pour Away the Ocean Fandom(s): Leverage Rating: G Word Count: 433 Summary: “Did you want to come back?” Author’s Notes: Response to this prompt. This may turn into a full story, but for now...
Title: No Rest for the Wicked Fandom(s): Leverage Rating: PG Word Count: 289 Summary: He warned them from the beginning this would end in blood and tears. Author’s Notes: Response to this prompt.
Title: Arcanum Arcanorum Fandom(s): Leverage Rating: G Word Count: 801 Summary: When it comes to heists, working with a poltergeist has some distinct advantages. Author’s Notes: Response to this prompt. Vague spoilers for “The Long Goodbye Job.”
Title: Hypothermia + Profilers + Hangman = Disaster Fandom(s): Criminal Minds Rating: G Word Count: 983 Summary: Wherein Morgan and Prentiss are stuck in an ice cave on one side of the mountain while the rest of the team is stuck on the other. And isn’t that just awesome. Author’s Note: Response to this prompt.